Web analytics Black Green & Blue: the story behind: April 2006

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Office

Originally uploaded by Mr Black at startupland.

Well, this is where we are trying to take the world by surprise... one banner at a time, you know.
Until egaroo come out officially, we have decided not to tell you our real location, so this is gonna be like the only view you will ever have of our headquarters, he, he.

Not good for your health

Originally uploaded by Mr Black at startupland.

Yeah, these are tough times here at startupland... one more reason to come up with odd ideas as egaroo.
That really doesn't bother me (an empty fridge I mean) but I know I should be more careful with what I eat (in this case, with what I don't eat, he, he).
Saturday afternoon, I'm at the office testing the site and updating the blog.

Friday, April 28, 2006

My first photo Post

Originally uploaded by Mr Black at startupland.

Well, we're finally in!
Yeap, I'm Black. Green and Blue will have their own blogs so yo don't get all confused...
Last weekend to final testing and updating blogs.
That's it. Mainly this is gonna be a photoblog, so get acustom to this, he, he...
See you

Thursday, April 27, 2006

At least, we're almost done!

Yeap, first entry. I'm just setting up our blog but I'm not quite sure it's gonna work... je, je... yeah, I know, we can setup a web page in 2 months but get all confused starting a blog in 5 minutes...
See you later