2007 has just arrived

New book
Originally uploaded by Mr Black at startupland.
Yeah, It has been way too long until this new post.
Too much work at the office and not enough time even to take vacations (or read a decent advertising book... by the way, Taschen DO rules)
Well, so far, so good. Traffic has been improving, egaroo has already reached 500 banners on its search engine database and I'm more than ever willing to keep the fight.
Among some new news, I just found the first copycat to egaroo concept: xplodee dot com (Not linked here on purpose). Check their bidding for PHP programmers:
PHP Freelancers
Should I feel flattered? Well, if somebody else has made the effort to replicate your own concept, it could mean your business model has a point.
Not results on any search made, except two or three keywords... you can bet it's not an easy ride making an idea like this to grow... the guy is from India... a amazing growing market by itself...
Just a little reminder about how egaroo works:
1. Design your banner
2. Register, identify and upload your banner
3. Change your banner design and keywords as needed and as many times as you want
4. If you have more than one website, you can upload up to ten banners from your profile
and manage their keywords and designs individually.
5. Check your traffic from your profile
6. In the near future, you will be able also to add interesting websites found at egaroo to your favorites, thus becoming the first visual bookmarking free service.
About point 1: if you have problems designing your own banner, feel free to contact me and I will design one using elements from your website for free.
I know, I'll try to keep posting more regularly. Finally I think I found the right theme for this blog: web banners design. Obvious, isn't? ;)